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Comparison of Investments in Latin American Countries

The startup investment landscape in Latin America showed significant variation between 2023 and 2024, reflecting the economic and strategic dynamics of each country.

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While remaining the region's largest investment destination, Brazil experienced a decline of over 40% from 2023 to 2024. Contrary to Brazil's trend, Mexico grew by more than 20%, reflecting increasing interest in the Mexican market driven by a favorable environment for innovation and digitalization.

With a slight drop of 15%, Colombia remains an attractive destination in the region. Meanwhile, Chile and Uruguay saw growth exceeding 25% during the period, reinforcing their prominent roles in the region.

Argentina and Peru, however, registered remarkable surges of 220% and 335%, respectively.


Sao Paulo

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2092

15th Floor - Jardim Paulistano


SHN Quadra 1 Block A

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+ 55 11 3142-9001


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