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Most frequent segment invested by top 25 funds US

The 25 most active VC funds in early-stage startups in the United States revealed a surprising trend: the near-universal presence of AI & Machine Learning in their portfolios.

Of the funds selected, 21 highlighted these segments as the most relevant, which reflects the accelerated growth of this technology.

Grafico com um diagrama sankey que faz o link dos fundos com o segmentos que mais investiram

Notable approaches include MedTech InnovatorLiquid 2 VenturesMana Ventures and Coinbase Ventures, which prioritized other sectors such as Diagnostics & Therapeutics, Crypto & Blockchain, Business Process Automation and Developer Tools & Automation.

It is worth noting that our analysis includes many AI-enabled companies, but they mainly focus on Data & Analytics or Business Process Automation. These companies were not referred to as “AI companies”. Thus, Artificial Intelligence is even more present in the innovation ecosystem than it first appears.

For a deeper dive into the topic, visit our Early-Stage VC Trends report:


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