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10 Most Innovative Countries in the World

National Innovation Day: Brazil is among the 50 most innovative economies in the world.

Recently, the Global Innovation Index revealed the countries that stand out in this field, revealing both advances and challenges faced by different regions of the globe.

In the global context, Brazil gained five positions and occupies 49th position among 132 countries. With the results of the 2023 study, the country overtook Chile and leads among Latin American countries.

The data shows that Brazilian researchers managed to innovate more, even with fewer conditions compared to the previous year.

Brazil scores high on indicators such as online government services and e-participation. Trademarks registered in the country and the global value of Brazilian brands also gained prominence in the ranking. Furthermore, the valuation of Brazilian unicorns is highlighted by QuintoAndar, C6 Bank and Creditas, and Creditas, representing 1.9% of the national GDP in 2023.

Among the five BRICS countries, we are in third place, ahead of Russia (51st place) and South Africa (59th). China is ranked 12th and India is ranked 40th.


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